主题🧑🏽🍼:使用数据驱动型方法对生物医学系统进行建模和估计(Data driven modelling and estimation inbiomedical systems)
时间👀:4月2日 9:30
主办: 工学部
协办🌋: 测控技术与仪器;汽车电子实验中心
主讲人🤟🏿:Prof Visakan Kadirkamanathan
VisakanKadirkamanathan,教授,本科和博士均毕业于剑桥大学,先后在萨里大学,剑桥大学做博后,接着在谢菲尔德大学担任讲师,高级讲师🥋,Reader(一种英国的教职),教授👩🏽🏭🕯,并于2009-2014年间任自动控制与系统工程学院院长🚵♀️,于2012至今🙇🏻,担任劳斯莱斯大学科技中心主任等职位。他曾获得过很多奖项(包括2012年PNAS CozzarelliPrize✍🏼,PNAS是全球公认的四大顶刊)。他还在新加坡南洋理工大学等名校担任过访问教授,并于2010-2017年在重庆大学担任客座教授(国家的111计划)。他的研究兴趣和领域包括复杂系统建模(环境、生命科学和工程领域)、分布式决策支持(药物发现⛎、飞机发动机诊断)等。曾出版过2本书🅿️,和超过170篇高引用期刊论文。曾获得大量的研究学会资助和工业研究经费,包括在研的EPSRC平台经费一百六十万英镑,和前沿工程奖四百七十万英镑👩🏽💼。他目前担任InternationalJournal of Systems Science的主编🤽🏽♂️,International Journal of Automation andComputation的副主编🏙🙍♂️,并且是IEEETransactions on Neural Networks的前任副主编🚶🏻♂️➡️。是2018年UKACC国际会议的主席🧑🦱,并被众多国际会议邀请做主题报告。担任EPSRC学院成员,及系统工程和系统生物学专家组成员,并担任工程专家组主席。并为一些组织和企业担任顾问。
Biomedicalsystems are characterised by complex behaviour that have led to detailedmathematical models being developed from the known biophysics and chemistry.However, these models are sometimes far too complex to be used in conjunctionwith observed data. With sensing capabilities for obtaining spatial andtemporal variation in the patterns produced by biomedical systems, there is aneed for developing data-driven models to provide evidence-based evaluation.The talk will focus on two problems, one involving the electrical activity ofthe heart during the cardiac arrhythmia and the other involving boneremodelling in the tibia of the mouse during its growth. The electrical signalsof the heart are measured by an array of electrodes giving spatially sparse buttemporally rich data, while the bone measurements come from XCT images that arespatially rich but temporally poor as these are difficult to measure over time.The talk shows that despite both having spatio-temporal data, the analysismethods chosen reflect the spatial and temporal richness of the data. The talkconcludes with an investigation into evaluating data driven spatio-temporalcomplexity measures, by correlating them with those obtained from detailedmathematical biology models.